Yate Shopping Centre Cinema plans on a knife edge
Date Posted:11/04/2014
The possibility of a cinema, new restaurants and some of the high street's top fashion chains coming to Yate hangs in the balance today after South Glos Council planners deferred the application for a month so that further consideration can be given to some of the technical details.
Over the last five years we have been working closely with both local councils to address the technicalities and feel that we have the best viable plan on the table. We don't dispute that bringing forward such a development on this site was always going to be difficult. There are a lot of issues for Planning Committee members to get to grips with. Ideally, we would like to be able to brief the committee members ourselves and give them the opportunity to question us so they fully understand how the cinema development will complement the existing centre.
The development timescales are critically tight but if we don't get planning permission in May, it is more than likely the project will die!
We are determined to carry on and deliver a scheme that the people of Yate want and to bring better facilities to the town. Thank you for your on-going support.