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Westgate Centre

Westgate Centre

West Walk

South Gloucestershire residents can now benefit from a range of health, children’s, young people and family services on their doorstep at the Yate West Gate Centre. The Centre is a joint venture between NHS South Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire Council so that residents can access a wide range of services all in one place.    A children and young people’s hub includes; the Children and Young People Information Service, providing the general public with information, advice, support and access to a range of services; a Sure Start Children’s Centre offering stay and play sessions; youth clinics; maternity services and access to health visitors.  Connexions staff will also be based at the hub.   An X-ray facility, treatment rooms, podiatry clinic, community dental services and a range of outpatient clinics are open for business. A Boots pharmacy is also open on site. The Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) offers treatment for adults, children and young people for a wide range of minor injuries. You can drop in without an appointment, or you may be referred by your GP or other healthcare professional. The MIU has X-ray facilities on site so that assessing the severity of any injury can be done quickly. They treat most patients within two hours - quicker than if you went to A&E (Accident and Emergency) with a minor injury. What injuries does the MIU treat? The MIU treats: sprains and starins cuts and grazes arm, lower leg and foot injuries bites- human, animal  minor burns and scalds minor head injuries broken noses and nosebleeds eye problems such as scratches, foriegn bodies in the eyes.  

Westgate Centre , 21 West Walk , Yate , BS37 4AX

01454 313378

Westgate Centre